Unsung House Trunk Show at S&S NYC
Custom Boots, Boot Repairs, Resoling, and Relasting

Got a pair of boots with worn down soles? Resole them!

Have boots that don't fit quite right, but you don't want to get rid of them? Relast them!

Need accurate measurements and tracings of your feet? Unsung House will do it.

Want a custom pair of boots made by Unsung House? Ten pairs available (in-store purchase only)


Unsung House

Cordwaining (shoe making) is a dying skill and industry in the US, but Unsung House are keeping that trade alive. Brothers Grant and Isaac Gustafson are true innovators in footwear repair, being focused on repairs of high-end boots for people who deeply care about them. In addition to doing resoles and repair work, they will relast boots (what's that? It's cool. Read more here). They also make boots in-house - a sleek Engineer and a lace-up Slog boot.

Unsung House is run by brothers Grant and Isaac Gustafson from Nashville, Tennesse. They resole, repair and relast shoes and boots using a variety of the best materials and methods. Choose your midsole, outsole, stitching color and hand welted construction types (flat welt, Norwegian welt, storm welt, stitchdown and more).

Charlie works at S&S NYC and had Unsung House relast a pair of engineer boots that didn't fit him very well. The result was a resurrected pair of boots that were the exact pair inside his mind. He cherishes them.
Read about his relasting experience here

Have a pair of boots with a sole that's worn down? Get them resoled to bring them back to life. You can even choose a different outsole and many other options.

Maybe you've got a pair of boots with a structured toebox that you want unstructured. Unsung House will do that.

Do you have a beloved pair of boots that don't fit quite right, but you can't let them go? Have Unsung House relast them to the exact boot inside your mind.

Or do you have a pair of boots that are so worn out they need resurrection? Unsung House will bestow their powers upon your boots and bring them back to from the dead.

You can also order a custom pair of Unsung House Engineer boots or Slog service boots at the event. Limited to 10 pairs total.

Here's some examples of their work.

Unsung House Custom Engineer Boots

These custom Unsung House U 22-2 Engineer Boots were made using a customised last for the customer's feet. The upper leather is a thick Wickett and Craig Natural Latigo that is overdyed with homemade walnut dye made with the trees in Grant's back yard.

Mystery Service Boots Resole

These mystery vintage service boots were in awful shape. These were an eBay find with rotted footbeds and cracked, dry leather. The footbeds were replaced with shiny new full-grain leather footbeds, the outsole was replaced with Dr. Soles Supergrip, upper stitching was repaired and the upper leather was conditioned and signifiantly cleaned up.

Dehner Tanker Boots Restoration

These vintage Dehner Tanker boots were sent in for a resole, but the gemming was rotted. Unsung House resoled the boots using a JR Leather outsole and re-stitched the flat welt by hand.

Vintage Engineer Boots Restoration

These mystery vintage engineer boots were sent in for a rebuild. The original footbeds were cleaned up, the gemming was replaced, the boots were resoled with a Dr. Soles Supergrip outsole and the welt was hand-stitched.

Usung House Price List